

We are visiting week 2 of our weight loss blog post!
I as many of you struggle with weight loss and we have Orting Chiropractic and Wellness Center to share some great information and teach us how important it is to focus on a healthy life style, not just quick weight loss gimmicks.  

Weight Loss Blog Part II

Continuing on the topic of weight loss, let's shift the focus to how and when to eat. Eating when hungry, striving for three meals a day or eating until full may sound like common sense. It is what most of us have heard for a lifetime. However, as it relates to weight loss, this advice often has unfavorable results. Waiting until hunger pains set in can lead to eating the wrong foods by grabbing whatever is convenient, as well as, possible overeating if waiting too long. Eating three meals per day can have similar negative effects, as it allows the possibility of hunger to set in. Enjoying a meal until the feeling of fullness generally gives way to overeating, and oftentimes digestive complaints. As it takes 20 minutes for the brain to receive the signal of fullness from the stomach, it isn't hard to realize that there is the possibility of getting a little too much extra in those minutes.

So, how then should we eat? Staving off hunger and keeping your metabolism operating at its maximum capacity we want to keep the "furnace" stoked by eating five to six smaller meals per day. By eating every two to three hours, blood sugar remains level and metabolism doesn't slow down. Which also means there is less likelihood of energy highs followed by afternoon crashes and that calories are being burned at a steadier rate. This, too, assists in regulating hormones associated with weight loss. Now, instead of eating until full, the best course of action is to eat until just no longer hungry. If you have managed to not reach the point of hunger, then eat slowly and mindfully, listening to your body's cues. Remember to take notice of, and really enjoy, what you are eating.

We mentioned in Part I to concentrate on positive images and thoughts while switching to a better relationship with food, that ultimately leads to weight loss. Just as important as these positive visualizations are, remember the negative thoughts are just as powerful. Anytime you feel worry or frustration, etc., acknowledge it and immediately replace it with a positive message. Be amazed at the difference and how quickly the negative thoughts disappear for good! Also, find a practice or activity that is calming. It could be meditation, yoga or jogging. Something that clears the mind and relaxes the body. Thus, keep weight loss hormones high and stress hormones (or fat storing hormones) low.

Katie Tyree Photography serving the greater Puyallup, Sumner, and Orting Valley for family photography, newborn photography, wedding, engagement and glamour.

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