

Something that is so near to my heart and lays heavy with so many others that I know. Something that is His will for some of us.  This something has always been heavy on my heart and often in my mind.  It isn't something you can just ignore, it's something you are called to do and something that will impact your life and others in such a way that wont ever be able to be forgotten.  This something... Adoption. 
This family that is so close to my heart is in the process of adopting two precious little boys to add to their already beautiful family of five.  Stay at home mom and homeschool fanatic Britta is always looking for some new way to serve, some new way to brighten someones day, week, or life in general.  She's become a dear friend to me over the last two years and a light in my life.  Here is a little of the A-team's (Britta's ever growing family) Testimony.
Scott + Britta met in February 1994 and were married seven months later.  Soon after, they welcomed a wild, red headed baby girl onto their team and named her Bailey. Five years later a blonde haired son was born and he was named Simon. Quickly the A-Team was growing because only 21 months later another son, this time with brown hair, joined the family. He was named Silas. Such sweet times…They had Strawberry, Vanilla, & Chocolate and the family felt complete. The A-Team started homeschooling in 2006. This began a journey of discovery for everyone. Also, around this same time a small seed was planted in Britta’s heart for adoption. It took five years for that seed to grow and eventually bloom. At the beginning of 2011 the A-Team started a new adventure; they became licensed for foster adoption. At 1 day old a baby boy joined the A-Team, they named him Solomon. Then only 14 months later another baby boy, this time at 2 days old. They named him Samuel. By the end of 2013 these brothers will become permanent members of the A-Team. This family of 7 also enjoys serving together at their church, camping, bike rides, going to the beach, and just being together. Their story isn’t finished yet…there is much more to come…so stay tuned!!
The A-Team…

I had the honor to photograph this amazing family back in the fall. Go A-Team!









I feel the need to be transparent today. Something tender to my heart... The loss of my mother just 4 years ago taught me so much including how much I miss her and wish I had more photos of her and I together. I often reflect on the kind of woman she was. A kind, unconditional loving and truly the kindest, tender hearted person I knew. Although I never forget how amazing she was, I often feel the need to look back on photos of her to keep her face fresh in my memory. Don't take for granted any day you are able to have your mother. You only have one and she and you both deserve to celebrate her.

In Celebration of my momma and all you other amazing mothers (young, old, sick, healthy, etc) I'm offering something special for you this mothers day.  You can purchase your session on or before May 19th.  The session just has to be complete by July 30th, 2013 



I had the pleasure of photographing this adorable little guy's first birthday photos!  Is he not absolutely adorable?  Cake smash photos are not just for the little guy or gal in your life that you want to have photos of JUST smashing his or her cake.  Cake smash sessions include a full line of images that feature your little guy or gal in their first birthday outfit.  Who wouldn't want to capture the before AND after of their photo session? 
 Just because he or she will be smashing cakes today does not mean we cannot capture that adorable little personality at one year of age befor we see their bodies head to toe covered in cake.
This handsome little guy is feauturing one of my hand made bow ties (made by Katie of Katie Tyree Photography) and a cream colored cloth Fuzzi Buns diaper and the banner behind him is also hand made by Katie to compliment the colors in the bow tie and the cake.

Are you wondering who made this adorable cake? Rachel of Mystical Cupcakes out of Olympia.  These cakes are absolutely tasty and I would suggest ordering one ANY TIME you get the chance.  It's not just a cake made for a baby... it's a cake mom and dad will love too.  Rachel hand crafts every piece of her desserts from the "from scratch" butter she puts in her butter cream to the vanilla bean paste to make her frostings and fresh fruit fillings.  Any mom or dad would be lucky to have her cakes, cupcakes or mini cake pops at their little ones first birthday

Every cake smash photo session by Katie Tyree Photography includes a custom backdrop, banner, cake and for boys handmade bow ties and for girls hand made or boutique style hair piece.


Birth Photography + Newborn Photography TACOMA SEATTLE

How would you like to win a free Newborn Photography session?

Katie Tyree Photography (Tacoma Newborn Photography) is taking inquiries for one lucky Newborn Photography Session (lifestyle session) for someone in the greater Seattle // Tacoma area.

Ways to qualify for a FREE photo shoot?
1.Like Us on Facebook
2.Share this Blog Post and Follow Us
3.Share One of our Images on your page on Facebook and tell us why you love it!

What next?  Email us or Tell Us WHY you want a newborn session and tell us your story by going HERE and filling out a contact form!

We will be connecting with the 3 top Inquiries based on why your story is special and unique TO YOU!  Maybe you are having your first baby.  Maybe you had a hard time getting pregnant.  Maybe you're a  single mom and you would be so blessed by a newborn shoot.  Let us know, we really do care and want YOUR story.




We are visiting week 2 of our weight loss blog post!
I as many of you struggle with weight loss and we have Orting Chiropractic and Wellness Center to share some great information and teach us how important it is to focus on a healthy life style, not just quick weight loss gimmicks.  

Weight Loss Blog Part II

Continuing on the topic of weight loss, let's shift the focus to how and when to eat. Eating when hungry, striving for three meals a day or eating until full may sound like common sense. It is what most of us have heard for a lifetime. However, as it relates to weight loss, this advice often has unfavorable results. Waiting until hunger pains set in can lead to eating the wrong foods by grabbing whatever is convenient, as well as, possible overeating if waiting too long. Eating three meals per day can have similar negative effects, as it allows the possibility of hunger to set in. Enjoying a meal until the feeling of fullness generally gives way to overeating, and oftentimes digestive complaints. As it takes 20 minutes for the brain to receive the signal of fullness from the stomach, it isn't hard to realize that there is the possibility of getting a little too much extra in those minutes.

So, how then should we eat? Staving off hunger and keeping your metabolism operating at its maximum capacity we want to keep the "furnace" stoked by eating five to six smaller meals per day. By eating every two to three hours, blood sugar remains level and metabolism doesn't slow down. Which also means there is less likelihood of energy highs followed by afternoon crashes and that calories are being burned at a steadier rate. This, too, assists in regulating hormones associated with weight loss. Now, instead of eating until full, the best course of action is to eat until just no longer hungry. If you have managed to not reach the point of hunger, then eat slowly and mindfully, listening to your body's cues. Remember to take notice of, and really enjoy, what you are eating.

We mentioned in Part I to concentrate on positive images and thoughts while switching to a better relationship with food, that ultimately leads to weight loss. Just as important as these positive visualizations are, remember the negative thoughts are just as powerful. Anytime you feel worry or frustration, etc., acknowledge it and immediately replace it with a positive message. Be amazed at the difference and how quickly the negative thoughts disappear for good! Also, find a practice or activity that is calming. It could be meditation, yoga or jogging. Something that clears the mind and relaxes the body. Thus, keep weight loss hormones high and stress hormones (or fat storing hormones) low.

Katie Tyree Photography serving the greater Puyallup, Sumner, and Orting Valley for family photography, newborn photography, wedding, engagement and glamour.


Weight Loss is something we all struggle with.  It's something that over 50 % of Americans alone struggle with. That's not just a couple thousand... That has to be millions!  So many of the women that I photograph or ones I don't photograph and just "know"... many of which are very close friends of mine STRUGGLE.  I honestly would say that about 90 % of the women that I photograph on a daily basis struggle with their body image and wanting to take photos with their spouse, children, boudoir, and even just a casual by themselves photo.  I want to take the opportunity because we're so self "aware" (might I say that?) to offer some facts and information from an amazing source.  Orting Chiropractic and Wellness Center of Orting, WA is up on the blog today as our guest blogger to help you learn a bit about why we struggle so much and how to help us get through the day a bit healthier and hopefully in return we can have better self image and over all health.  I hope this helps all of my brides and moms who want to feel better about themselves for their next shoot or their big day.

Where do I begin on the topic of weight loss? There are so many facets, dimensions, terms and subjective thoughts and opinions on the issue of weight. Just walk into any bookstore or google "diet books", 249,000,000 results appear in less than half a second. The majority of which the author is certain that his or her method is the best one. But what works for one may not work for another.

Let's start by looking at the type of weight. There is weight from fat, lean muscle weight and water weight or edema. When discussing weight loss, generally we are talking about losing fat. Most people wouldn't want to shed pounds at the risk of losing lean muscle. But as many of you already know, muscle weighs more than fat. So we need to shift our focus away from the number. Nothing can be more frustrating than starting a "diet" and not see the number go down. Concentrate instead on the fit of clothing. It usually takes at least five to ten pounds to notice a difference. Being part of the "I Want it Now" generation, we want to know that the changes we are making are helping us achieve our goal and impatience can be detrimental. Focus instead on how you are feeling during this time. Maybe you are experiencing less headaches (sugar is an inflammatory substance), so maybe with less refined sugars you notice less aches and pains. Perhaps you suddenly realize that you no longer struggle through the 3 o'clock slump. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated keeps you alert and awake. Health should be the optimal goal. Why health? Why do you want it? Be specific with your goal.

The two main things I would like to touch on briefly are having a positive mental mindset and choosing your calories carefully. What I mean by positive mindset is just that. Visualize the shape you would like your body to be and put your face on that body! Make that picture bigger. What would you feel like at your ideal vision? Think like? Sleep like? Energy be like? Also, stay away from words that tend to have a negative connotation such as: diet, restriction, low or less calories, limit, etc. Concentrate on enjoying a healthy eating plan with nutritious choices. Which leads to the second point. One of the biggest myths out there is that a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. FALSE All calories are not created equal. If you decide that a 1,500 calorie eating plan is right for you, eating 1,500 calories of processed food deplete of nutrients is going to be a lot worse than eating 1,500 calories of fruits and veggies, lean meats and whole grains. For example, a 500 calorie fast food burger is not going to "feed" your body like 500 calories of halibut and steamed asparagus. Plus when nutrients are left out, your body still thinks it is being starved (holds onto fat) because it isn't receiving anything of value.

......Next time we will discuss the importance of how and when we should be eating

Guest Blogger:  Orting Chiropractic and Wellness Center  (Dr. Troy Munson  DC)

Katie Tyree Photography serving the Orting, Puyallup, Tacoma areas offering family photography, newborn photography, bridal and wedding photography, and maternity photography.



Being a photographer means always updating our own child's photos.  Being that it is St Patrick's Day.... I'd like to wish you all a HAPPY ST PATRICKS DAY from my own two Irish babes.  One you will notice is quite a bit Irish with all that hair going on (she's really Scottish, but don't tell anyone...it's st pattys day).

Family Photographer serving the greater Tacoma // Puyallup // Seattle area